...you've never seen art like this before...

Jose Tonito Studio

The Art Alchemist
I graduated with a Bachelor's Degree in Fine Arts from Florida International University. Although I was educated as a photographer, my interest was leaning toward painting which is now my main focus. I have an extensive curriculum of exhibitions and awards that you can review if you search for my name. I created a unique process where I paint by hand directly into different types of blank photo papers, using water, color inks, and some other unconventional household chemicals. Mixing them creates physical reactions that are instantly registered in the paper. The result is a painting with so much sharpness, tonal gradation, depth of field, and flowing movement that resembles the work of Nature. I don't use a camera, a digital printer, or any other form of reproduction. Each painting is one of a kind. Intrigued? I invite you to watch my video clips for a visual understanding of the medium that I am working with. Simply search Jose Tonito on youtube.com and you will find dozens of clips with many of my unusual techniques.

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You have never seen art like this before!

Jose Tonito Studio

My paintings are out of the ordinary.

They offer a link between photography and painting never seen before.
I use a unique method where I paint by hand directly into different types of blank photographic papers, using water, color inks, and some other unconventional household chemicals to create reactions that are instantly registered in the paper. When I mix these elements with liquids of different viscosities, the result is a painting that resembles the work of nature.

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